The concessions stand at the Carroll County 1,000 Acre Recreational Lake is now open.
At the June 23 meeting of the Carroll County Watershed Authority, members awarded the 2020 season
concessionaire contract to Tina Shands of Huntingdon, who will be doing business as the Sunset Grill.
“The contractor will be responsible for the operation and management of the concession’s area,” said board
member Dale Kelley.
That includes the purchasing and stocking of all items needed to operate the grill and keeping the concession area
including the kitchen and picnic area in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Shands will be in charge of hiring
and also the payroll of any employees including electronic federal tax payments, as well as providing proper food
training for any employees, and obtaining and providing proof of the proper health certificates and business licenses.
She will pay the Watershed Authority 5 percent of the sales not to exceed $500 a month.
The hours of operation will be Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. until 6
p.m., all holidays not on a regular business day from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. However, the hours of operation may be
changed due to customer sales. Shands will provide service on other days upon determining if there are sufficient
patrons to support business.
In other business, considered at the meeting was passing a new budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
The new budget shows $1,109,800 in revenues and $1,092,050 in expenditures with $17,750 listed as in the black.
Included in the revenues are $65,000 in property tax, $245,000 in wheel tax, $42,500 in permits and licenses,
$43,500 in marina revenues, $25,000 in boat dock fees, $2,000 in concessions, miscellaneous sales, $14,800,
gasoline sales $6,000; RV park rentals, $21,000; LPRF grant, $145,000 and state appropriation, $500,000.
Board member Joseph Butler questioned about the certainty of the state appropriation this year. However, Kelley
said it was hopeful that the money would be available.
The operating expenses in the 2020-2021 budget shows the operating expense as $161,850; monitoring station,
$800, fuel purchase, $5,000, concessions/pavilion expenses, $18,850, marina operations, $3,100, RV park expense,
$13,700; meeting/conference room, $13,100, LPRF Grant (walking trail) Project, $286,000, and principal and
interest payments, $589,650.
The year end budget for 2019-2020 was also approved.
In the way of revenues for the year, the totals looked this way: property tax, $56,100; wheel tax, $245,000;
permits and licenses, $46,500; marina revenues, $30,000; boat dock fees, $15,000; concessions, $2,500;
miscellaneous income, $18,150; gasoline sale, $5,100; and RV park rentals, $23,000 for a total of $441,350.
The expenditures for the 2019-2020 year include: operating expense, $150,600; monitoring station, $800;
purchase of fuel, $4,800; concession/pavilion expenses, $16,350; marina operations, $3,100; RV park expense,
$9,300; meeting/conference room, $5050; LPRF grant (walking trail) project, $4,000; principal and interest
payments, $555,300. The total expenditures were $749,300.
Included in the 2019-2020 budget are note proceeds which are less the payments made from the bond proceeds of
$145,000 and 2019 revenues over expenses carried forward for the 2020 expenses of $203,550 which leaves
adjusted net revenues over expenses of $40,600.
Kelley noted in the 2019-2020 budget there was an increase in fees for boat dock and RV park rentals.
Boat dock requests for John Melton, and Hunter and Brandi McLemore were approved.
Melton’s request was for Sportsman Cove, M & M Lakeside Properties, lot 18. The McLemores’ request was for
Kyle Road, Lakepoint Estates lot 3.
The next monthly meeting will be on July 28 at 2 p.m.