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Huntingdon Council awards Safe Routes to School bid for Clark Street


The Safe Routes to School side walks on Clark Street that had been scheduled for 2015 and 2016 will soon get underway.

Huntingdon Town Council members awarded bids on the project to Allen Searcy Builder-Contractors, Inc. of Union City as recommended by Tegrah Engineering.

The rules were suspended since it was not originally scheduled to be on the agenda.

The winning contractor with the bid of $387,143 was one of four contractors who bid on the project. The other three were Nsite, Inc. of Milan with a bid of $399,663, Thomson & Thomson, Inc., of Jackson that bid $539,784.10 and Adams Contracting, LLC of Lexington, Ky. with a bid of $556,847. 

The 2015 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Grant amount is $145,300 and the 2016 SRTS Grant award is $228,900. The SRTS Program is 100 percent federally funded. The town will be responsible for the construction costs of $109,792.

The Design and Environmental review process has delayed the notice to proceed until now.

The town’s solid waste contract with Waste Management was amended by council members due to a fuel chart being incorrect. The three-year contract had been passed by the council on April 14 of this year. Effective Aug. 1, the cost of living adjustment reflects a 3 percent increase. The base residential fee (not including the fuel surcharge amount) will increase from $15.66 to $15.93.

The amendment also includes a Modification of Rates each July based on the Consumer Price Index that also includes Water, Sewer, and Trash Collection Index.

In another matter, an agreement with Community Development Partners, LLC for the 2020 SRF Planning and Design of three Utility Fund projects was approved. The $10,000 loan is only for the Planning and Design (Engineering) service for the proposed project. When this portion is completed the town will apply for another SRF loan for actual construction. The company will provide administrative assistance for the State Revolving Fund Loan Program 2020 Planning and Design Loan.