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Hollow Rock will gain $9,800 from certified tax rate


The town of Hollow Rock will exceed its certified property tax rate this fiscal year of 2020-2021. A public hearing was held during the July 21 Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting concerning the raise.

Town Recorder Pam Gallimore explained that when the budget was passed that the town had not been advised of its certified rate so the former rate of $1.49 per $100 of assessed property. 

The new certified rate is $1.31 per $100 of assessed property. Even though the tax rate is lower that last year, it will yield more property tax because the property was reassessed.

“With the new rate, it will mean the town will receive $9,800 in property taxes,” said Gallimore.

Board members passed a resolution to opt-out of the bridge replacement of Hollow Rock Branch Road Bridge through the Improve Act and peramently close the road.

Samuel Yoder who had requested for the bridge to be fixed did not show up for the meeting. 

In January, aldermen had voted against constructing the bridge that would have cost $53,200. It led to Yoder’s property, but there were alternative routes.

It was called “a road that went to nowhere” by aldermen then.

Mayor Rob Woods told aldermen there were deficiencies found during an inspection that was done in November. 

“It has been 15 years since the inside was painted and 20 years since the outside was painted,” said Woods. “It will be a substancial amount of money.

It will have to be put out for bid.

In other business, it was announced that Tony King has been hired as a part time police officer.

Gallimore said she had sent out letters to property owners who have high grass that needs to be mowed. The old dalipadted  bank building building has been sold, she said.

Fire Chief Bobby Brotherton said 800 steak sandwiches had been sold at the fire department’s last fundraiser and that $2,200 was made off the sale.