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West Carroll Special School District


Trezevant resident Kimberly Smith was appointed as the newest member of the West Carroll Board of Education during the Nov. 5 meeting in the West Carroll Junior-Senior High School cafeteria.

A CHALLENGE – Kyle Foster, who recently resigned from the West Carroll Board of Education, challenges the board to keep students and teachers “in the forefront of your thoughts.”

Smith fills the seat of former board member Kyle Foster, who recently resigned for health and personal reasons. That term will expire in August of 2022.

Board member Misty Mitchell nominated Smith, and the board unanimously approved that nomination.

“I think she [Smith] will be a great asset to our community,” said Mitchell.

Smith was the sworn in by board chairman William Robinson.

Currently, Smith, 44, works as a realtor with Crye-Leike Blue Skies Real Estate of Jackson, and she was formerly employed as a bookkeeper with Centennial Bank.

She and her husband, Tyler Smith, have resided in Trezevant for the past five years.

They have three grown children – Taylor Johnson, Bridget Smith, and Loren Smith – and an 18-year-old son, Tyler Smith, who is a senior this year at West Carroll High School.

The board also honored Foster, who has served on the board since 2015.

Foster said he loves the school district and the West Carroll community, but he added that it was the “right time” for him to step down from the board. He also issued a challenge to remaining school board members.

“I implore you, keep these kids and these teachers in the forefront of your thoughts,” he said.

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In other business:

•The board recognized retiring third grade teachers Lynn Grimes and Sherri Cooper and retiring educational assistant Dorothy Rimmer. Director of Schools Dexter Williams presented all three with plaques.

•The board granted tenure to primary teacher Nicole Andrews and elementary teacher Keshia Jackson.

•Cross country coach Jason Martin praised his runners for all their hard work and accomplishments this season. “They give their absolute 100 percent best every time. They have a whole lot of heart.” Members of the high school team include Caitlyn Brooks, Jaycan Martin, Edward Humpries, Gabriel York, Clark Bradley, Andrew Freemon, Wade Smith, Jillian Parsons, Claire Browning, Noelle Roberts, Natalie Moore, and Clare Joyner. Junior high runners include Jayanna Martin, Brody Baker, Lexi White, and Ethan Brooks. Martin presented Bradley with a medal for placing 20th individually at the regional meet.

•On a motion by board member Patrick Lindsey, a majority of board members voted to take up discussions of Director Williams’ contract and establishing performance goals for him during the January, 2021 meeting. Mitchell voted against the motion, while the rest of the board voted yes.

•The board approved a softball trip to Cookville on April 3, 2021 on a second reading and a Beta Club field trip to Nashville on Feb. 13, 2021 on a first reading.

•The district’s annual LEA Compliance Report was approved.

•The board approved a list of school board goals set during a recent work session and an updated version of a five-year strategic plan for the district.

•The board gave first-reading approval to board policy updates on Tobacco-Free Schools, Title IX and Sexual Harrassment, Physical Examinations and Immunizations, and Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances. A policy update on Fundraising Activities was tabled until the January meeting.

•The retirement of physical education teacher Linda Hodgson and the resignation of 8th grade math teacher Dakota Noble were acknowledged by the board.