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Trezevant to apply for water loan


The Town of Trezevant is applying for a water grant, but getting that money may require further hikes in the town’s water/sewer rates for customers.

During the Sept. 8 board meeting, town financial officer Jeff Goad advised the board that the town is eligible to apply for a loan for up to $707,525 through the State Revolving Fund to make improvements to the town’s water system.

Goad said they might also qualify for a grant to cover 50 percent of the planning phase of the project, which would cost an estimated $126,250.

Among the needed improvements to the town’s water system, Goad said that the wells need to be rehabilitated and the aerators should to be replaced.

Goad pointed out, however, that before the state will approve the loan, the town has to submit three years of financial statements, and a study must be conducted to determine if the town can afford to make loan payments. If not, water/sewer rates would need to be raised by the amount recommended by the state in order to get the loan.

“If we want to move forward, just vote for it,” said Goad. “They’ll come back and let us know if we need to raise rates. Then it will be up to you if we want to take out the loan.”

“I say we should proceed and see what happens,” said Mayor Bobby Blaylock.

Aldermen voted unanimously to authorize Goad to start the process of applying for the loan.

The board also voted unanimously to pass an ordinance raising water/sewer rates for town residents on a second and final reading.

The ordinance sets the minimum bill for customers at $22.16 per month for the first 1,000 gallons used – an increase of 50 cents for water and 55 cents for sewer service – with an additional charge of $2.85 for each additional 1,000 gallons used.

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In other business:

•The board agreed to sell a piece of town-owned property at 125 Johnson Street with the price to be determined by the expense the town has put into the property, including the original $2,000 purchase price, plus mowing costs and related legal fees. The mayor said someone interested in purchasing the property had recently contacted him.

•The board approved a motion by Alderman Eddie Granger to remove wording stating that enforcement of the town’s dress code is up to the mayor’s discretion from the dress code policy.

•The board authorized town attorney Charlie Trotter to have a lawsuit withdrawn from the docket in Circuit Court. The lawsuit, which was filed around three years ago, asked for a court-ordered easement on property owned by Ricky Nelson as part of the town’s ongoing efforts to correct water drainage problems and the growing pothole on Park Street. Trotter said the town can always refile the lawsuit if they need to and that he is making a last ditch effort to get CSX Railroad and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to cooperate in helping the town fix these longstanding problems.

•The board gave second-reading approval to an ordinance codifying the town’s ordinances and an ordinance to amend the budget to account for $97,500 spent to add a bay and make repairs to the fire station.

•The board approved a quote from Lashlee Rich of Humboldt to tear down and rebuilding the town’s two well houses.