Several notable items of business were conducted during the July 14 meeting of the Trezevant Mayor and Board of Aldermen, including setting the town’s property tax rate and action to add a new bay to the fire station.
In a unanimous vote, alderman voted to set the property tax rate at 65 cents per $100 of assessed property value to line up with the new certified rate set by the state.
The board approved the new 2020-21 budget back in June, but the state had not yet set a new certified rate at that time.
As town financial officer Jeff Goad explained to the board, the new certified rate should bring in the same amount of revenue as the former 71-cent rate.
Goad added that they can always put the rate back at 71 cents next year if they find that the town needs more revenue.
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In separate business, the board voted unanimously to take bids for the addition of a new bay to the Trezevant Fire Department facility.
Alderman Eddie Granger advised the board that members of the Fire Department have complained to him about police officers using a portion of the fire station as an office for the Police Department.
“The whole Fire Department says they want their building back,” said Granger.
Police Chief Mike Mulligan said that he and his officers have just been using a little 250-square-foot room that wasn’t being used as an office and occasionally making use of the facility’s bathroom.
“We’re never down there,” said Mulligan. “I don’t see what the problem is.”
Fire Chief Mike Hayes, however, said that his firefighters are saying that they don’t have enough space.
“Their thing is that they’re cramped,” said Hayes. “It’s real tight.”
“It’s no skin off me. I’m leaving,” said Mulligan, who has advised the board that he will be resigning as police chief in the near future, though he hasn’t yet given a date.
Granger pointed out that a previous mayor had promised the Fire Department that if they let the Police Department use the facility, he would have a new bay added.
Mayor Bobby Blaylock said that if they went ahead and built the new bay, the town might be able to get a grant or loan to help cover the cost.
“That’s fine with me,” said Hayes, who agreed to provide specs for a new bay.
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In other business:
•The mayor said that the town would be retaining Charlie Trotter as the town’s attorney. Granger was on the agenda to speak about possibly removing Trotter as town attorney, but after Blaylock definitively stated that they would be keeping Trotter, no further discussions were held.
•Alderman Ricky Browning was on the agenda to discuss the possibility of eliminating the Police Department, but as Browning was not present at the meeting, no discussion was held.
•The board gave second-reading approval to an ordinance allowing the town to lease parking spaces to tractor-trailer drivers beside Highway 79 for a fee of $70 per month per truck.
•The board passed an ordinance setting rules and regulations regarding public use of the new walking track on a first reading.
•The board voted 3-1 to pass an ordinance setting dress code regulations for town employees. The board denied town employee Mary Jo Hall’s request that she be allowed to wear a tank top while mowing during hot days, but they modified the ordinance to allow town recorder Kathy Edwards to wear jeans while working in the office. Alderman Pam Joyner voted against the ordinance.
•The board passed a resolution requesting that the Carroll County Election Commission conduct town elections on Nov. 3, 2020.
•Edwards advised the board that a public hearing regarding the codification of city ordinances needs to be held prior to the Aug. 11 meeting, starting at 6:15 p.m.