Carroll County’s 12 rural volunteer fire departments will each be presented $2,000 through action taken by members of the Carroll County commissioners at Monday night’s meeting of the County Legislative Body.
The funds are from the Cares Act Funding the county has received. The fire departments had shortfalls in funding this past year due to the COVID situation. No fundraisers were able to be held.
The Carroll County Rural Fire Committee and Budget Committee have recommended the funding.
This resolution was one of seven passed along with the Legislative Body Committees and notaries.
Resolution 3-2-21 the county agreed to accept payments of $294,210 in Cares Act Funding. The funds were used for salary reimbursements for emergency personnel of $146,994 and for reimbursement for the Westport tower construction of $147,216 received in February.
Resolution 3-3-21 amended the Carroll County Election Commission Budget by decreasing it by $25,242 for supplies and election workers’ salaries.
Resolution 3-4-21 amends the Carroll County Airport budget by $30,000 to cover the supervisor/director’s salary for 2020-2021.
Resolution 3-5-21 amends the salary line item for the Carroll County Veterans Service budget by a decrease of $315 and the salary line item of supervisor/director by $315.
Resolution 3-6-21 amends the Carroll County Circuit Court budget by decreasing the jury and witness account by $4,000 and increasing the other charges by that amount.
Resolution 3-7-2021 transfers funds of $3,522.90 from the insurance recovery account to the liability claims account. This is for vehicle damage to a Sheriff’s Officer’s 2016 Ford Explorer interceptor.
Notaries elected were: Faye G. Alexander, Paula Ann Anderson, Steven P. Carter, Jeruna Cozart, Ashley Edwards, Jenny Diane Gordon, Tammy L. Hays, Selena D. Lockhart, Samantha Morgan, Gina Pate, Michael L. Stanton, Tanya Leigh Taylor, J. Sheryl Todd, L. Gail Webb West and Steven L. West.
Legislative Committees Named
Budget Committee - Darrell Ridgely, chairman; Johnny Blount, secretary; Manuel Crossno; Willie Huffman; and Vince Taylor.
Tax Rate Committee - Vince Taylor, chairman; John Austin, secretary; Barry Mac Murphy; Johnny Blount; and Lana Suite.
Law Enforcement Committee - Ronnie Murphy, chairman; Hal Eason, secretary; Steve Parker; Jimmy McClure and Joel Washburn.
Delinquent Tax Committee - Jimmy McClure, chairman; Ronnie Murphy, Secretary; Jay Phipps; Steve Parker; and Darrell Ridgely.
Civic Center Committee - Paula Watkins, chairman; Jeremy Fowler, secretary; Larry Spencer, Barry Mac Murphy and Lori Nolan.
Insurance Committee - John Austin, chairman; Larry Spencer, secretary; Jimmy McClure; Lori Nolan and Joel Washburn.
Purchasing Committee - Barry Mac Murphy, chairman; Paula Bolen, secretary; Paula Watkins, Vince Taylor, Lana Suite and Joseph Butler.
Highway Committee - Johnny Blount, chairman; Paula Anderson, secretary; John Mann; Vince Taylor; Jeremy Fowler; Randy Long and Ronnie Murphy.
Beer Board - Steve Parker, chairman; Jay Phipps, secretary; John Mann, John Austin and Larry Spencer.
Rules Committee - Joel Washburn, chairman; Randy Long, secretary; Gerald Scarborough; Paula Watkins; and Hal Eason.
Solid Waste Committee - John Mann, chairman; Gerald Scarborough, secretary; Willie Huffman, Paula Watkins and Randy Long.
Personnel Committee - Gerald Scarborough, chairman; Manuel Crossno, secretary; Jay Phipps; John Austin and Steve Parker.
Properties Committee - Hal Eason, chairman; Randy Long, secretary; Gerald Scarborough; Willie Huffman and Darrell Ridgely.
Rural Fire Committee - Jeremy Fowler, chairman; Jimmy McClure, secretary; Lana Suite; Johnny Blount and Ronnie Murphy.Resolutions Committee - Larry Spencer, chairman; Joel Washburn, secretary; Manuel Crossno; John Mann; and Lori Nolan.