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One dies, two injured in wreck


A McKenzie man was killed in a one-vehicle 2:35 p.m. wreck May 14 near McKenzie on 1865 State Route 423.
Jeffrey Smith, 34, who was the driver of a 1995 Jeep Wrangler died instantly after his vehicle overturned in a
ditch, according to a Tennessee Highway Patrol report.
He was not wearing a seatbelt.
Two passengers, Michael Smith, 33, and Alexander Smith, 19, both of McKenzie, were injured.
According to the report, Jeffrey Smith was traveling eastbound when the vehicle exited off the edge of the right
side of the roadway and entered a ditch before returning to the roadway and going into a yaw. The vehicle then
exited off the left side edge of the roadway and impacted an earthen embankment with its right front bumper.
Following the impact, the rear end rotated counterclockwise and overturned onto its passenger’s side. The vehicle
came to an uncontrolled final rest facing south.
Michael Smith was wearing a seatbelt but Alexander Smith did not have on a seatbelt.