Carroll County Watershed Authority board member Natalie McCullough Porter is the new chairman of the Authority.
Tommy Surber of McKenzie, who has served on the board since 1985 and as chairman since 1988, decided to rotate off the board.
Dale Kelley, who was re-elected as secretary-treasurer of the Authority board, nominated Porter ? of Atwood for the position.
“I nominate Natalie who has been a long time member of the board,” said Kelley. She was elected by acclamation.
Porter, who has been a member since March 2006 is also Carroll County’s Register of Deeds.
Porter thanked Surber for his service.
“You’ve done a good job,” said Porter.
“I appreciate it,” said Surber. “I’’ve enjoyed it.”
He said from the very beginning that the Authority set out to have a first class project in the Carroll County 1,000 Acre Recreational Lake.
“I think that’s what we’ve done,” he said. “I’m proud of it and appreciate everybody’s help and joining in.”
“We will miss you,” said board member Bob Clark.
As a part of the process, Porter’s name was added to the checking account authorization and Surber’s removed.
Kelley pointed out that Surber had been on the Authority since day one with the first meeting being held on July 6, 1985.
“He’s seen the entire process and the economic impact,” said Kelley, who talked about the state and federal requirements that had to be met and major situations that had to be dealt with before the lake was completed.
The acquisition took seven years. Federal and state agencies had to be satisfied throughout the process and 119 acres of wetlands had to be established. The lake area had to be cleared with a dam constructed. An office site and concession stand with a parking lot and boat ramps had to be built along with a RV park.
“We want to recognize Tommy,” said Kelley who presented him with a plaque which read: Carroll County Watershed Authority recognizes Tommy Surber for his 35 years of service with the Authority Board - 1985-2020.
Surfer said he was fresh out of college when he became a member of the board. At the time, he figured the process would take about three years and he would go off the board. However, that didn’t happen and in the meantime, he married Kelley’s daughter, Meredith.
New member Brad Chappell was welcomed to the board by Surber. Kelley, who has served on the board since April 9, 1997 and as secretary-treasurer since Aug. 5, 1997, was reappointed.
Kelley talked about the Bassmaster Junior Champion Fishing Tournament that happened on Oct. 19-20 at the lake.
He said 54 teams from 28 states competed.
“There were good reports and the fact that fisherman appreciated the hospitality,” said Kelley.”It was a good thing and had a $400,000 economic impact.”
During the meeting two boat dock requests were approved. The docks were for William Coates, Kyle Road, Lakepoint Estates, Lot 2, and John Ulen, Sportsman Cove, M & M Lakeside, Lot 23.
Lake manager David Rush had advised that the requests seemed to meet regulations and recommended approval.
The next meeting will be Nov. 24 at 2 p.m.