McKenzie council members, in the Oct. 10 meeting, called for a study of the city’s rates for turning the water off and on and for late payments.
“The city needs to update the rates for late payments,” said Mayor Jill Holland. “We want to make sure we are charging for out-of-town.”
Tenn. Association of Utility Districts will conduct the study and will charge for it.
“I think we need to do the study to make sure we are charging the correct fees,” said the mayor. “I don’t want the city to pull a figure out of the sky.”
The late fees won’t be refundable.
The council approved the Condemnation Board’s recommendation that Jessica Hightower’s property at 75 Woodrow St. be torn down.
“People are calling about it because it’s unsanitary,” said Holland.
The city can remove all other condemned property without going to chancery court.
There was supposed to have been a bid opening for a generator installation, but no bids were submitted.