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Lake Commission changing submission dates to 10 days


The Carroll County 1,000 Acre Recreational Lake Regional Planning Commission is changing the submission date for requests and legal documents.

The decision was made at the Oc.t 27 meeting with staff planner Donny Bunton conducting the meeting in the absence of chairman Billy Smith.

The new deadline will be ten days prior to the meeting. The former deadline was 14 days. However, it became the custom to accept items up to seven days prior to the meeting.

The arrangement has led to a decreased time for review of agenda items by Bunton and Commission members.

Burton also suggested amending the by-laws for the Planning Commission so they can be merged with by-laws for the Board of Zoning Appeals.

“This way the new ten day submission deadline would be in effect for both boards,” said Bunton.

A subdivision regulations amendment to change the submission deadlines to ten days will be presented at the next meeting.

Discussion was also held on boat storage uses.

The zoning resolution was amended in 2012 to allow boat storage uses, but a definition was not created to specify what the use entailed.

Burton presented a proposed definition for the use.

It was agreed that a definition should also be created for “Recreational Storage Uses” which would allow for recreational vehicles and their accessories to be stored.

Following discussion, it was determined that an amendment should be drafted to create both definitions (boat storage uses and recreational storage uses).

Boat storage uses would remain allowed in L-2 and MR-C districts (where they are currently allowed).

Recreational storage uses would be allowed only in MR-C districts.

However, no action was taken at this meeting. Bunton will draw up an amendment that will be presented at the next meeting.

No meeting date was set for the next meeting.