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Huntingdon’s 2020 audit report had no findings


Huntingdon Mayor Dale Kelley presented figures from the fiscal year 2020 audit report at the Feb. 9 council meeting while noting there were no findings from the state Comptroller’s office.

“The Fiscal Year 2020 Year Audit report had no current year or prior year findings,” said the mayor.

He gave a summary of the net changes in the fund balances for each account. The increase in the General Fund was $95,341. Increases in other funds include: The Dixie PAC, $7,320; Utility Fund, $1,311,771 (includes depreciation total of $443,946); and Industrial Board, $202,995 (includes depreciation total of $38,932. 

The Drug Fund showed a decrease of $25,508 (purchase of general and transportation equipment from prior year reserves).

Council members agreed to submit the fire department’s request for a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the purchase of a fire engine pumper in the amount of $350,000 with a 5 percent local match.

 A water bill for Palma Adams was adjusted to $250 since a precedence had already been set for that amount in the past. A broken pipe at 379 Cotham Drive had caused the water bill to be $1,636.69.  

The mayor acknowledged the death of actor Hal Holbrook.

“His passing is certainly a loss for The Dixie Carter Performing Arts and Academic Enrichment Center and people in West Tennessee,” said Kelley. “He was an inspiration and a legend whose memory we will keep alive through the programs and opportunities that we make available to all ages at The Dixie PAC. Hal took an active role in the design of the theatre and served as an invaluable consultant to the architect. We will certainly miss him and his friendship. We are pleased to continue share the arts, and his legacy for future generations.”

Mayor recaps Huntingdon’s progress n 2020

Looks to more projects in 2021

Mayor Dale Kelley gave his State of the City address during the Feb. 9 council meeting. He noted there had been several projects  completed in 2020, although it had been a difficult year. 

“Before looking ahead to the new year and upcoming projects, it is appropriate to reflect on the past year,” he said. “The year 2020 definitely presented new challenges, but there are accomplishments to recognize also.”

They include: 

• The completion of the Tennessee Downtowns grant program for downtown businesses façade improvements and branding project.

• Construction began on the 2015 and 2016 Safe Routes to School grants for the continuation of sidewalks in the Middle School area along Clark Street.

• Planning and design for water system improvements including automated meter reading, replacement of East Main Street waterline, and extension of water service along Highway 77.

• The award of 2020 CDBG grant in the amount of $526,435 for sewer system improvements.

• VP Racing Fuels, Inc. received $200,000 FastTrack Economic Development Grant.

• Completion of the Dynamix Casting Fluxes, LLC facility in Industrial Park South.

• Dynamix Casting Fluxes, LLC received $125,000 FastTrack Economic Development Grant.

• The Police Department purchased an SUV from the Drug Fund to be used as a K9 vehicle.

Projects on the horizon for 2021 include:

• The completion of the renovation of the Huntingdon Historical Museum.

• The continuation and completion of the 2015 and 2016 Safe Routes to School grants.

• Working with West TN River Basin Authority (WTRBA) to repair culverts to assist with flooding issues.  

• WTRBA has approved $100,000 for this project.

The Local Sales Tax Collection in 2020 showed a 5.5% growth in collections over 2019.  

“The increase can be contributed to an increase in shopping locally,” he said. “It is important to note that 50% of all Local Option Sales Tax collected in Carroll County goes to our local schools.”

Although The Dixie was unable to complete their season in 2020, The Dixie staff is continuing to work on building upon established relationships and developing a network of artists for main events and school time performances for when the center is able to open the doors once again.

 The Huntingdon Special School District continues to excel and experience academic growth for the school system which in turn benefits our Town and community as a whole.

The Industrial Board continues to pursue a tenant for the Spec Building and work with local industries and individuals providing for their needs as exist today and any potential expansions for the future.  We strive to continue to make Huntingdon a business friendly community.  

“Obtaining grant funds make many things possible for our community that we would not be able to do otherwise,” said the mayor

He mentioned that the Town of Huntingdon is fortunate to have personnel that provide excellent services for the citizens.  

“We appreciate the service and hard work of all our employees and look forward to another productive year,” he said.

In closing, he commended the citizens, council members and employees for their impact and investments in the future of Huntingdon and Carroll County.