At the Nov. 24 Huntingdon Town Council meeting, members agreed to seek a Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant along with co-sponsor West Tennessee River Basin Authority (WTRBA). If received it would help relieve flooding in areas around town, according to Mayor Dale Kelley.
The program is funded through Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and has a match component of $167,000. The WTRBA will match $100,000 if approved by the board of directors. The Town of Huntingdon would provide $67,000 local financial support.
“If funding is successful, improvements would include the replacement of aging and undersized culverts in critical locations and improvement of stream channels that are currently impaired,” said the mayor. “This would provide benefits to residents and roadways in the frequently flooded areas of the town.”
Council members passed the first of two required readings to amend the text of the official zoning ordinance to revise the height based on setback requirements for communications towers in all zoning districts.
This means communications towers may be placed closer than the designated setback from the nearest property line, lease line, or site line, only if a letter from a licensed engineer is provided that states the fall radius for the proposed tower would extend no closer than ten feet from the nearest property line, lease line, or site line.
The second and final readings on amending the official zoning map on two different properties were passed.
No one spoke during a public hearing concerning the changing of zoning on requests from Kenneth and Lisa Horner and Phillip Barnett.
The zoning request by the Horners at 20290,20310, 20312, 20314 and 20322 East Main Street was changed from B-1 (Neighborhood Business) to B-2 (General Business).
The zoning on the Barnett property on Taylor Street was changed from B-1 (Neighborhood Business) to B-2 (General Business).
The mayor noted that The Dixie building’s glass front that was broken in a traffic accident has not progressed past clean-up as an inspection by a structural engineer has not occurred.
The mayor encouraged everyone to shop local this holiday season
“Shopping local helps to sustain the economy and support small business owners who have made significant adjustments during the pandemic,” he said.
Vice Mayor Nina Smothers asks for an update on the progress of the Taco Bell eatery locating here on Veterans Drive. However, nothing new was known at this time.
Standing council committees for the years 2020-2022 were approved.
They include: Finance & Administration - Nina Smothers, chairman; Kelly Eubanks; Charles Hodges; John Sanders; and Tim Tucker. Public Works - Carl Byars, chairman; Kelly Eubanks; Andrew Maddox; John Sanders; and Nina Smothers. Public Safety - Tim Tucker, chairman; Carl Byars; Charles Hodges; Andrew Maddox; and Nina Smothers. Adult-Oriented Establishment Massage Registration Board - Carl Byars, Kelly Eubanks, Charles Hodges, Andrew Maddox and Tim Tucker. Council Representative to Boards: Huntingdon Industrial Development Board, John Sanders; Huntingdon Municipal Planning Commission, Nina Smothers: Huntingdon Recreation Advisory Council, Andrew Maddox; Huntingdon Beautiful Committee, Kelly Eubanks.