From his bedroom study at this residence in Huntingdon, Dan Shear, 50, does his part to create potentially life-saving equipment for the local medical community and individuals during the coronavirus pandemic.
According to his daughter Alysia Shear, her dad, who shies away from publicity, has turned his hobby into a full task of making yellow, green, blue and red face shield headbands with his 3D printer and then applying clear plastic film to make the face shields to the front of them. The design involves an interchangeable face shield, created from inexpensive clear plastic presentation covers that cost between $l to $5 and a three-hole punch.
“All of his work is to help with the strain of supplies and medical equipment available to medical personnel in the United States due to COVID – 19,” said Alysia. “He has been doing this out of the kindness of his heart and pocket without expecting anything in return.”
He has mailed some to a hospital in California and has also visited local clinics to see if any are needed.
As of April 12, he had made 218 with a goal of 400 before he stops production. He has also 3D printed warning and mask signs that he makes for friends and family members who wish to make sure visitors are aware that they are immune compromised before entering their residence.
Dan Shear has lived in Huntingdon for over 20 years and has worked at Granges for several years. He served in the U.S. Army and is currently a member of the National Guard in Lexington.
He has had his 3D printer since Christmas. Prior to doing the face shields he did figurines and statues.
Shear lives with his two sons, Bradley, 22, and Chris, 20. Alysia, 23, lives in Memphis.
“He always stays busy with projects and we are all especially happy and supportive of his current project that seeks to help multiple people,” said Alysia. “He is a man who never seeks the lime light and recognition that he sometimes deserves.”