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Huntingdon man, cousin back at work after bout with COVID-19


A Huntingdon man who experienced a bout with COVID-19 is back at work and out of quarantine, even though
he says his energy level still has a way to go before being normal.
The 35-year-old man who agreed to an interview, but ask not to be identified, says his bout with the virus was
more like an extreme case of the flu.
He was probably Carroll County’s second case of the virus as his first cousin was the first case and he took it soon
afterwards. Neither knows where they contacted it.
“My symptoms did not fit the bill for COVID-19,” he said. “It was more like sinus allergies until I realized it had
elevated to flu symptoms. I experienced no fever.”
He said his cousin had a high fever, but no respiratory symptoms.
“Mine lasted for five days with three of the days being the worst because I felt so sick,” he said. “I had a loss of
appetite because I just didn’t feel like eating.”
The loss of energy was troubling but he had no cough or shortness of breath.
Both he and his cousin came out of quarantine on March 26 and 27 with both returning to work on April 6, but
only for a portion of the day. Both their families were quarantined until April 2.
He and his cousin stayed isolated from their families at home. None of the family members or their working staff
members have contracted the disease.
He and his cousin were both tested at Baptist Hospital with the Carroll County Health Dept. contacting them
about their tests being positive.
No medicine was prescribed with treatment being that for a common cold.
He said he is glad to be feeling much better now and is working part-time until he builds his energy level to its
normal state.