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Hollow Rock hoping to get new turnout gear with grant


Hollow Rock firemen are hoping that a resolution passed at the Feb. 18 meeting of the Hollow Rock Mayor and Board of Aldermen will result in new turnout gear and other equipment for the department.

The resolution authorizes matching funds for the Small Cities Block Grant Program (CDBG). Hollow Rock’s share would be $13,962.12 for the $108,350 the grant would provide, according to town recorder Pam Gallimore. 

Listed on the grant are 14 sets of turnout gear at a cost of $44,800, eight SCBA for $48,000, and a camera for $5,700.

Alderman Curt Lumley, who is a member of the Hollow Rock Fire Department, said $2,500 was raised from the Sweetheart Banquet on Feb. 15. The funds were donated to the family of the late Ryan Mills. Lumley also said the fire department’s pagers had come in. 

He told about a forum that will be held at Hollow Rock’s fire hall on Feb. 29 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. There will be an America’s Southeast Aboriginal Remnants Forum held at the community room of Hollow Rock’s fire hall at 29035 Broad St. People are invited to bring aboriginal artifacts like flint, stone, pottery or shell to the forum. They will learn how to identify, preserve, record and document their finds. Maury Miller III will be there for the forum and will be happy to autograph his new book.

Alderman Morris Rogers said aldermen will start getting fire and police reports each month that will tell about the activities of each department. 

The fire department answered four calls during the month of January and assisted with storm damage by clearing trees and debris and cleaning up roadways on Marie St., Maytown Rd., Buena Vista School Rd., Buena Vista Rd. and Smyrna Rd.

Station 2 hosted a VSARC Amateur Radio Club meeting and Pam Corder’s exercise class. Bob Dill was appointed as a new training officer.

Hollow Rock’s January police report showed there were 23 calls for service, 14 citations issued, two animal calls, two escorts, three assists, three ambulance assists, 16 department assists, one arrest with one charge. 

Police Chief Danny Emerson in conjunction with Carroll County Sheriffs’ Investigator Adam Meggs presented a child sexual abuse case to the Carroll County Grand Jury on Jan. 6.

Before the meeting concluded, Mayor Rob Woods told how proud he was of the fire department personnel and their actions during the recent tragedy experienced at the death of of Ryan Mills.

“They acted in such a professional way,” he said. “It speaks well for what kind of fire department we have. I am really proud of the fire department. It’s an outstanding group.”