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E911 Board to make offer on land


Meeting virtually on Feb. 16, members of the Carroll County E911 Board agreed to make an offer on approximately .7 of an acre of land at 101 Dillahunty Lane to landowner Billy Dillahunty. The land evaluation was completed with the land valued at $36,500. The land joins the E911 office. Board member Max Anderson made the motion for the offer and to pay for the survey with all board members voting yes.

Paris attorney Chip McLean was hired after it was noted that he represents two other E911 boards. Meggs suggested that an attorney be hired due to the possible land purchase and other legal matters that might come up.

E911 director Kristy Meggs informed board members that the 2020 audit had been reviewed by the state comptroller’s office and there were no findings. The audit can be found on the Tennessee Comptroller’s office website. Meggs also advised that the surcharge subsidy of $25,904 from the Tennessee Emergency Communication Board has been paid to the local E911 Board. This is the local district’s amount received from the fee increase from $1.16 to $1.50 that was added to telephone bills.

It was agreed to advertise for mowing bids for the 101 Dillahunty Lane property.

Board chairman Willie Huffman appointed Anderson, Andy Dickson, Larry Elliott, Willie Huffman, Joyce Noles and Steve Price as members of the Budget Committee.

Other board members present were Adam Allen and accountant John Wright.