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Dr. Nina Smothers featured speaker at Union’s White Coat Ceremony


   Dr. Nina Smothers served as the featured speaker at the White Coat Ceremony of Union University College of Pharmacy on August 21 in the Carl Grant Events Center. Dr. Smothers is the Administrative Director for Laboratory, Radiology, Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacy and Safety for Baptist Memorial Hospital Carroll County.

   She welcomed and congratulated the class of 2024 as they began their journey into the world of pharmacy. The donning of the white coat is a milestone designating one’s time of learning and preparing to serve their fellowman.

   Dr. Smothers discussed the welfare of humanity, seeking optimal outcomes, Privacy of the patient and life time learning. She emphasized moral, ethical and legal conduct through one’s career; and warned the students to always hold to high moral standards in all of their actions both professional and personal. She noted that change must be honored as seen through responsibilities and reimbursement principles.

   Dr. Smothers reminded the students that we do not promise to heal but work toward aiding the patient to reach the best quality of life possible.

   “The medication world is composed of innumerable chemical products grouped chemically to address a myriad of diagnosis,” she told the class.

    She advised students to continually learn about the new modalities coming to the market. She did share a personal journey of being forced to learn chemotherapy agents relative to lung  and uterine cancer as well as psychotherapeutics.

    “Beyond medications, know the science that kindness teaches us that there is a positive power in being kind,” she said. “Kindness is contagious. The good in us tends to draw out the good in others. Research shows that kindness increases love, energy, happiness, and people’s lifespan. Kindness tends to decrease pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure.”

    She quoted John Wesley who advised, “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can.”

   She also mentioned Matthew 25: 40. “And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

   Dr. Smothers final statement to the class:  “Your journey begins today with this white coat to go forward, learn all you can, graduate, accept a position, and apply all that you have learned.  Remember healing is larger than medication which is a chemical substance represented by a specific drug. Each of us are special and individual with a story and needs relative to only us. See the patient as a whole and work to the best of your ability.”