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Dozens gather for Trump prayer rally


A few dozen supporters of President Donald Trump gathered on a chilly Saturday afternoon, Nov 28th, on the court square in Huntingdon to show their support for the president and to pray for him and the country.

Cyril Ostiguy, chairman of the Carroll County Republican Party (CCRP), opened the rally with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Ostiguy also read off a list of Trumps’ accomplishments over the past four years, such as confirming three conservative judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, presiding over one of the biggest economic booms in the country’s history, defeating the ISIS Caliphate, and fast-tracking development, production, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Mr. Ostiguy also gave some details on the president’s ongoing legal battles regarding election results, voting practices, and alleged cases of voter fraud in several states.

Also speaking and leading prayers were CCRP treasurer Tom Aljancic and his wife, Debbie; vice chairman Corrine Arnold; and secretary Jan Ostiguy. Others were also invited to speak and lead prayers.

At the rally waiving Trump flags were Atwood residents Glen and Brenda Watson, and Chase Kesterson of Dresden was carrying a big American flag. Kesterson was also displaying a signed letter he received from President Trump.

Numerous motorists honked their support as they drove around the square, though there was one negative (and profane) comment shouted from a passing car.

Mrs. Ostiguy spoke last, encouraging people to continue to pray, keep the faith, and try to hear what God is saying to the people of America during these troubled times.

“Don’t give up!” she said in closing.