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Chamber Notes


Hamilton-Ryker Hiring in McKenzie

Hamilton-Ryker currently has 50+ job openings in Carroll, Weakley, and Henry County. They also have partnered with Dana Corporation and have many temp to permanent positions open in manufacturing. They have job openings in landscaping, maintenance, general labor, production, assemble, and much more. Pay range is from $9.00 - $14.00 an hour with benefits and insurance available. To apply for any position go to and select McKenzie. For more information, you can also call McKenzie’s office at 731-352-4817.

2020 Census Deadline is September 30

September 30 is the last day for households and census takers to submit their information either by mail or online. Please complete the 2020 Census, if you have not already done so.

Walk Across Tennessee

Walk Across Tennessee will take place September 7th – November 1st. The goal during the 8 weeks is to promote health and physical activity. Registration will open on September 1st for teams of 6 people. Cash prizes provided by Carroll County Coordinated School Health will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. Top Individual Male and Top Individual Female will also receive cash prizes.

Please visit  for more information.