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Bruceton to apply for $630,000 CDBG sewer grant


The Town of Bruceton wants to do some upgrades to its sewer system so aldermen passed a resolution at the Jan. 12 virtual meeting that allows the application for a state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).

Community Development Partners representative Davina Gurschick will file for a $630,000 grant to upgrade the town’s lift stations. If received the town’s match would be 11 percent.

Bruceton had a choice of applying for the water and sewer grant, a $520,000 housing grant or a $420,000 Community Livability grant.

Two hundred fifty surveys had to filled out by residents in order for the town to be eligible to seek a grant.

“The surveys look good,” said Gurschick.

Vice Mayor Cliff Sturdivant wanted to know if the town could apply for two projects since the water meters also needed upgrading. However, Gurschick said only one project could be sought at a time, but that it would be possible to apply for another one in the next time cycle.

“We will know in the fall if funding is received on this one,” she said.

Two  ordinances passed the second and final readings during the 15-minute meeting.

One ordinance amends the town’s general zoning dwelling standards. Added to the ordinance are standards for single family dwellings and two-family dwellings. Both must contain at least 960 square feet of heated space per unit. Multiple family dwellings must contain at least 800 square feet of heated space per dwelling unit.

The second ordinance amends Title Twelve of the town’s Municipal Code relative to building, utility, etc. codes. It updates the building code and adopts standards for maintenance and construction of buildings within the town.

Matt Kelly, who was supposed to have spoken on Community Development/Involvement within the town, decided against appearing because the meeting was virtual and not in person. Citizen Shannon Miller, who had asked to speak on the leash law and traffic situation, did not comment.

In remarks from Mayor Bob Keeton, he said everything at the city is running well with no problems.

“I hope everyone prays for our country and we move forward in a safe way and not get in the clutches of Communism.”